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Example of full mouth rehabilitation, upper



Full Mouth Dental Restoration in Corona and Norco

Full mouth restoration/rehabilitation is the process of completely transforming your smile by utilizing the latest in dental procedures and our expertise which lets us create the perfect harmony in your mouth. Your mouth is a fascinating and complex machine, and proper relationship between the teeth, gums, bones and muscle in your jaw is crucial for long-term health and appearance.

When the proper bite, alignment of teeth and jaw position is optimized, along with any implants, veneers and cosmetic touches required, you will find relief and will have a more comfortable bite and less tension in the jaw and neck, a beautiful smile and more youthful appearance for the rest of your life.

Everyone's needs are unique, and combining the science of neuromuscular dentistry with the artistry of cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Sam is an expert in full mouth restoration and rehabilitation and attends advanced studies and routinely undergoes training in the latest techniques and use of advanced instruments.

Dr. Sam will take the utmost care in your diagnosis and discussion about your needs, and your comfort and achieving your dental goals are our top priority for any procedure.
Give us a call if you have any questions or to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Sam. We look forward to meeting you at either of our convenient offices in Corona or Norco.
(951) 278-4646
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